Friday, June 01, 2007

The Green Man

"The Green Man was my "Times Age" pub this trip. When Jools was busy working at 'Schoc' I would go for a wander around town, take some photo's, do a bit of shopping and then buy a copy of the Wairarapa Times Age and go the Green Man. A nice cosy little bar to order a chardy, settle down on the couch by the fire and read the paper until she finished work.
(Don't know who these people are but they were sitting on MY couch when I need a photo one night so there you are!)
The Green Man (or outside on the street!) was the scene for my memorable rant at Steve King - he'd offered me a lift from Wellington and as the trip proceeded I realised how drunk he was. Not amused.
Also has the best pate! So good that I commented to the waitress after dinner one night with Jools & Blaire that I hadn't had pate taste so ood in years. Five minutes later she arrived back out of the kitchen with a parcel wrapped in tinfoil, compliments of the chef, of a huge slab of pate. She said "chef says if an Auckland girl is impressed with my cooking then she deserves some more to take home!"


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